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Retaking Our Strength and Creative Will – New Moon in Leo & Eclipses

Ken Church Ashtanga Yoga Panama Moonday Horoscope

A New Creative Process: Lunar Days and Eclipses

With the ingress of Mars in Leo, and then the Sun in Leo, we begin a process that has the potential to create a radical change in our creative will, for good.

Now, with this New Moon happening on the 23rd of July, the Sun and the Moon unite their forces in the fiery fixed sign of Leo together with Mars, forging together a reinforced creative determination that will establish an important seed for our future (North Node of the Moon is in Leo).

This New Moon marks the beginning of this process of creative apprehension and confidence strengthening, a time of silent observation. The next important event will be two weeks later, with the Full Moon in Aquarius with partial Lunar Eclipse happening the 7th of August 2917, and the climax of this Leonine process will be with the SECOND New Moon in Leo of 2017 (or Black Moon) with a total Solar Eclipse, happening the 21st of August 2017, the time to set our intentions and channel our will. This Leonine process will create important changes for our future. It is a seed that is just starting to germinate.

The upcoming lunar events will be filled with the radiant luminosity of the Sun and his (very close) dance with the Moon, providing with exciting opportunities for self-knowledge, discoveries, creative explorations, confidence growth and deep self-healing.

Eclipses are usually surrounded by a haze of mystery and enigma. Their symbolism is quite deep though, and some self-work and preparation is required in order to harness their potential.

An eclipse has the potential to bring something utterly new. It can throw us back within ourselves to make us see (and feel) the light that lives inside our hearts (Solar Eclipse), or it can induce a time of unbalance or confusion, which if properly worked through, can then help us see with a new light something that has been covered or obscured (Lunar Eclipse), and start brand new.

If you want to go deep into a more detailed reading of this Moon along with all the Astrological Facts going on in our sky, please visit Mara's blog here.


With the Sun in Cancer, Moon in Pisces and Leo Rising, Mara de Diego is an Astrology practitioner and a forever learner. Born in Panama, but currently living in Kingston, Jamaica, Mara works with the tropical zodiac, and the Porphyry house system.

Because of her dedication and continuous study she has gained enough experience to perform consultations with people and assess them through her website. If interested on her advice or a Full Astrological Chart Reading please visit

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