Fertile Days with Impacting Opportunities – New Moon in Taurus
What’s valuable is not easy to access. We must search and find. On the other hand, it is always easier to conform and stay where we are. Challenges are frightening, that we know. But there are challenges that are worthy, and that we have to learn how to recognize.
The New Moon in Taurus is happening on the 15th of May 2018, in 24° Taurus 36’, at 13:49 (CEST), or 6:40 (EST).
She silently observes our mundane lives from above. She reveals ourselves in the flowers blooming, dropping along them her comforting smile. She whispers to our ears soft words of peace. Words that we might not understand, words coming in another language. The language of nature.
These Days: New Moon in Taurus Practical Meaning
This Moon encourages us to rejoice in Earth, to embrace the resources and skills Earth gives us with love by genuinely acknowledging them and using them. In powerful ways, this Moon coincides with the ingress of Uranus in Taurus, a strong energetic time that will revolutionize the way we relate with ourselves in different areas of life. This is the time for new beginnings. The land is fertile, the Moon whispers.
With the separating opposition to Jupiter Rx in Scorpio, tensions from the past week will start to soften much more. It is important here to understand that Jupiter retrograde in Scorpio tenses the Moon and the Sun in Taurus, and that can be a very sensitive point.
The Moon and the Sun in Taurus want tranquillity, a calming breath to connect back with our vital force, but Jupiter Rx in Scorpio knows that there is still much more to be discovered and learned (sometimes, the hard way).
So the sensation of being pulled away from life vitality, from Nature and from the comforts that we are used to is overpowering and can affect different areas of our lives in the current time.
Nevertheless, as this configuration begins to diminish and separate, what was difficult becomes experience, and experience gives us strength and knowledge.
And with this New Moon, we must really sit down with a cup of rich coffee, take a deep breath, close the eyes for some minutes, keep breathing consciously, think about the past, present and future, digest what was hard during that time, and slowly open the eyes with new confidence to keep going forward with what we have learned and with the desire to make the necessary changes.Then enjoy that cup of coffee, get a pen and a paper, and write your own findings about the latest experiences you’ve had (Venus is in Gemini and the mind is stimulated).
The Moon-Sun are also in a trine with the powerful duo Pluto and Mars in Capricorn. This indicates that there is fire there burning. There is motivation, confidence, strength and will to persevere. In the darkness of these New Moon days, we must go through and find that spark of personal power. To find out more read the full article and go deep into more detail about this Moon along with all the Astrological Facts going on in our sky. Please visit Mara's blog here.
With the Sun in Cancer, Moon in Pisces and Leo Rising, Mara de Diego is an Astrology practitioner and a forever learner. Born in Panama, but currently living in Kingston, Jamaica, Mara works with the tropical zodiac, and the Porphyry house system.
Because of her dedication and continuous study she has gained enough experience to perform consultations with people and assess them through her website. If interested on her advice or a Full Astrological Chart Reading please visit https://cosmicsensations.wordpress.com