Jump Back & Jump Through Workshop
In the Ashtanga Yoga method of practice we do hundreds of jump backs to caturanga dandasana and through to dandasana. Many practitioners struggle with the principles behind the mechanics of this moves. That's why we will explore all the fundamental awareness exercises and go through the elements that build up the jumping back and through techniques for a correct use of momentum and energy. Come join us on this 2hr workshop that will help you have a better practice and understand more how to engage your core on an everyday basis. Cost: $40 Both "Jump Back and Jump Through" and "Chanting" Workshops for: $50
June 16th, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Casco Yoga Panama Calle José D. de la ObaldÃa Panama City, Panama
About the teacher

Student of the KPJAYI, José Luis Vélez has practiced Ashtanga Yoga since 2008 and has studied under the guidance of R. Saraswathi Jois since 2016. He has studied Yoga Philosophy and Sanskrit at Mysore, India with teachers such as Lakshmish Bhat at the KPJAYI and Vidvan Prof. H.V. Nagaraja Rao of the Mysore University and The Maharaja’s Sanskrit College. He has also studied Ayurveda with Vaidya Nixia Lino and Abhyanga Ayurvedic Oil Massage at the Suyoga Ayurvedic Massage Center in Mysore. José travels every year to Mysore, India to study with his teachers, reconnect and learn directly from the source.